Darilni bon

Safe for visit and stay


Dear guests,


We are pleased to inform you that visiting of thermal resort Terme Snovik has been safe since Saturday, August 6th, and the main roads leading to us are fully operational, allowing seamless access.


In our vicinity, there are indeed a few points that are inaccessible – Velika Planina, Kamniška Bistrica Valley, Zdravilni Gaj Tunjice, and Stari Grad. However, all other providers in the Kamnik destination are operating smoothly and inviting guests to visit. Besides us, Arboretum Volčji Potok, Gostilna Repnik, Slovenia Eco Resort, Mekinjski Monastery, and all museums and galleries in the Kamnik destination are also functioning without obstacles.


Fortunately, the Term Snovik area has not been severely affected in recent days. We have accommodated over 110 evacuated locals and tourists under our roof, who were evacuated from the most endangered areas at that time. We provided shelter and warm meals to all evacuated individuals during their stay, aiming to alleviate their situation as much as possible. We are pleased to announce that the majority of evacuated tourists have already safely returned home, while the rest are returning in the coming days.


We invite you to indulge in the indoor and outdoor thermal pools, accommodations in the apartment village, wellness center, and Potočka Restaurant. Our operations are fully uninterrupted. Our cycling and hiking paths are accessible and safe. We also invite all residents without running water to fill it up at the thermal water source in the village of Potok, where the water is drinkable and uncontaminated.


For more information about the situation in the Kamnik destination, you can read on their official website (https://www.visitkamnik.com/sl/novice/nujne-informacije-za-obiskovalce-kamnika-essential-tips-and-advice-for-tourists-during-floods-in-slovenia).


If you have any additional questions, you can reach us at the phone number 01 83 44 100 or the email address info@terme-snovik.si.

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